Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year's message from Great Grandma.....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year to Family and Friends

Happy New Year to all our family and friends!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Greetings from the Brenes Family

Dear Family and Friends,
It’s been another wild and wonderful year! And, as Rebecca continues to remind me, I have the gray hairs to prove it. Since writing to you last year, we’ve moved twice , one of which was a cross-country, cross-Pacific move from Tennessee to Hawaii. We’ve traveled through 15 states, slept in more than 14 different hotels and homes, driven through thunderstorms, snow storms, forest fires in California, tornadoes in Kansas, car trouble in Colorado, and made countless memories as a family.

Though it was difficult to leave all of our Nashville friends, we are so thankful to God for the new relationships He has provided for us in Honolulu. Gregg’s new job with our Every Nation Ministries staff at Grace Bible Church is preparing us for a church plant in East Honolulu sometime next year. Here’s a quick family update from the past year:

Rebecca turned 13 this year and is in the 7th grade at Hawaii Baptist Academy. She really enjoys HBA… the social aspect of it that is, not so much the massive amounts of homework. So far, lunch is her favorite subject. (What girl doesn’t enjoy sittin’ and talkin’ with her friends over a big plate of food?) She’s taking drama classes at her school (as if any teenage girl needs to be taught “drama”!) and is learning to play the guitar. Her favorite thing about living in Hawaii: the food!

Brandon is now eleven and in the 4th grade. His two loves are football and surfing. He continues to be our tender-hearted child who has a love for animals. Recently when Gregg attempted to kill a big cockroach in our home, Brandon jumped on his back and desperately begged him to stop. Gregg asked him why he should spare the roach and Brandon responded, “Because even cockroaches have families.” Gregg did the noble thing and waited until after Brandon left before squashing it with his “slippah”. Brandon’s favorite thing about living in Hawaii: surfin’ da waves.

Justin is eight and in the 2nd grade. His intensity level and love for competition increases with each passing year. Soccer, football, Uno, surfing and anything else that gives him the opportunity to WIN and BEAT you seems to strike his interest. Soccer remains his favorite sport, however, because it gives him the opportunity to run for 60 minutes straight without wasting time for unnecessary things, like resting. Justin also prides himself in being a “straight-shooter”. Recently, he wrote a birthday card to one of his siblings saying, “You are sometimes nice.” His favorite part about living in Hawaii: the beach and shave ice.

Jordan turned five and started Kindergarten. We lost Jordan at our friend’s house on Easter. Couldn’t find him. It was dark outside. Searched the house, searched the neighborhood, and began to search the woods behind their house. After what seemed an eternity (it was really only about 15 minutes), Jordan walked out of one of the bedrooms. He said that he was trying to scare daddy. Needless to say, he succeeded (in addition to terrifying a handful of other parents)! As you can see, Jojo is fun loving, and easy going with just enough rascal in him to make things interesting. He’s playing soccer, learning to swim and boogie board. Jojo’s favorite part about living in Hawaii: the beach and coconuts.

Jessica is now four years old and is among the girlliest of girls. A poster child for the color pink. She even named her favorite stuffed animal Pinksy. This year she took a ballet/tap class and was able to perform in her first recital. Grandma and Grandpa drove 24oo miles to come and see it. A big deal. Her only show. They almost missed it, however, because on the way to the big show one of the boys threw up in their car all over himself and everything. But the show must go on! I wrapped him in a blanket and stuck him in a wardrobe room backstage while Jessie danced. Jessie’s favorite part about living in Hawaii: the pretty hula dancers.

Thanks for letting us give you a glimpse into our past year. We value your friendship and are so thankful that we are not on this journey alone. Have a wonder-filled season of reflecting on God’s love revealed to us in the gift of his Son.

"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:23

Much Love,

Gregg and Kris

We have a new address: 5251 Papai St., Honolulu, Hi 96821

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to everyone from Great Grandma!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Royal High Girls Varsity Soccer Starts Marmonte League with a strong start

Royal Pride Hot News!!
Royal vs Calabasas
Back to 2008-09 Game Schedule & Results
Team Rosters: Score:
Royal HS vs 3
Calabasas HS 0

Game Played 12/17/2008 6:00PM

Royal Perseveres blustery conditions for the win!
Despite frigid temperatures, high winds, and wet conditions, the Royal Varsity girls secured a victory at home with a smattering of die-hard fans cheering them on!Kiku Koyano scored the first goal, and what would prove to be the game winner, off a beautifully switched ball by Cindy Parks. Diana Ohrt, back in the line-up after missing preseason with an injury, scored the second goal off a cross by Kelly Habroun. The third score came from Marie MacKenzie who battled past several defenders and slipped a shot past the Calabasas goalkeeper with a perfectly timed slide tackle.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kiku's California Stars makes an incredible run the 2008 season....

Playing in the 2nd highest rated division(Gold Division) in the Coast Soccer League, the California Stars, based in Agoura, CA., ended with a 6-2-3 in the U17 group. Although starting slowly, the Stars picked up the pace in the final 4 games to win 3 and tie 1 to secure 2nd place. Aided by Kiku Koyano switching positions to play defensive fullback, the defense solidified to not allow any goals in the final 4 games. Carrying that strong play in the Coast Soccer League Cup Championships, the California Stars won 4 games to reach the Championship game, including 2 wins over Premier teams(highest rated division). On a cool, overcast November morning, Valley United, another Premier team proved to be a formidable opponent. Valley United scored quickly in the 1st half and scored another in the 2nd half and appeared to be cruising to the championship. However, the Stars Catherine Jones headed a incredible ball over the goalkeeper in the 80th minute to cut the deficit in half. The last 10 minutes resulted in renewed vitality and vigor for the California Stars team and a flurry of missed shots on goal. However, Valley United hung on as the seconds ticked away to secure the championship. But it was an incredible run for the California Stars in the tournament that some 90 teams had entered.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Turning a New Leaf - Another Grappler in the Family

Sean started his wrestling career tonight and managed to hold his own until late into the 1st round. Oh well, he looked awesome on his back.....