Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Support of Movember 2008

Movember - Sponsor Me

You can be a part of a growing number of caring individuals who are helping us accelerate the end of death and suffering from prostate cancer. Click here now.

When the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) was founded in 1993, prostate cancer research was virtually nonexistent. Since then, with the generous support of people like you, we have
become the world's largest philanthropic source of support for prostate cancer research. We have raised more than $350 million and provided funding for more than 1,400 research projects at nearly 150 institutions worldwide. We have also helped increase government funding of prostate cancer research, attracted talented and dedicated scientists to the field and expanded public awareness. Now, treatments are improving steadily and more prostate cancer drugs are in development than ever before.

While we have made great progress, we need to do more and we need to do it fast. We will put your gift to work immediately to help prevent more men and their families from having to battle prostate cancer.

Movember - changing the face of men's health


Bruce said...

Movember?? Good message though

Bryan said...

I forgot to leave the link: http://tinyurl.com/5nmrrr